I am hopefully going to start a "Monday Movie Reviews" thing here on my blog. So keep your eyes peeled every Monday, peoples.
Well, after a good deal of thinking about it I finally managed to pluck up enough courage to grab a movie out of the "p" section of movies at our library.
After trying out a certain version of Northanger Abby (I think it was the 2007 version) I have become very careful of which adaptations I look into and try out ... seeing that the Northanger Abby I tried to watch had some ... well, some downright
objectionable scenes in it. But I was very impressed with this adaptation of Persuasion.
And nothing will persuade me otherwise.
All right it was not perfect, but very good all the same time.
Anne and Capt. Wentworth ... anyone getting goose bumps?
Kidding ... partly anyway. |
I cannot watch any movie with my dad without my dad making horrible jokes about everyone ... and there not bad jokes. And to be quite truthful I die laughing at his jokes. He actually suggested the name "Captain Spit-curls" for one of the persons. No, this was not a name for Captain Wentworth! The idea! *rolls eyes*
All right to tell you the truth I was going crazy over this adaption of Persuasion! It was so good from start to finish. The characters were great from Anne Elliot to Captain Wentworth to Anne's dreadful father. So good.

Anne Elliot was portrayed very well. Though I did think she was a little old looking and her hair was not very complementing to her face. But she had so much sweetness and all and I really loved how forbearing she was toward her father and sister, and her sister Mary.
Her character was portrayed very close to the book's description of her. I also like her bonnet and the choices of the colours of her gowns.
She is not exactly my favourite Jane Austen heroine but she comes a close second to Elizabeth Bennet. All right, Elinor Dashwood. No, Emma Woodhouse.
Ah, yes, there him is in all his mightiness ... :) |
Oh, forget it. *winks*
I love his blue coat and vest he wears at the end! All right that is not the only thing I like about this Captain Fredrick Wentworth.
But this guy did such a wonderful job! I really like the way he was quiet but not too quiet. He was a lot like he was in the book. And my sister is in favour of his portrayal only because she was drooling over his horse in the scene where he and Anne, Mary, and the two silly Musgrove girls, and Charles were travelling to Lime. End about that ... because I was also drooling over his horse, too. :) *fan-girl snort*
Again, the horse is not the reason for me liking this Capt. Wentworth. :)
Sorry for the bad quality of the picture. |
Lady Russell was nice and a very motherly to poor Anne. I liked her both in the book and in this adaptation.
But I have to say her trying to persuade Anne (again) into who she was going to marry was going a little too far. *spoiler* I mean she already convicted Anne that Capt. Wentworth was a bad match years before and she was trying to push her and Mr. Elliot together. *end of spoiler*
But I guess that was her character so let me be quiet about her.
Left to right - Anne, Elizabeth, Mary, Sir Elliot. |
All right, this was Sir Elliot to a T! Loved the part where he was tweaking his curl in the mirror! So, so funny! My dad started laughing and actually said, "Hey, look! It is Captain Spit-curls!". There, you see? It was not said about Captain Wentworth. :) Anyway, a very well-done "Captain Spit-curls".
And I must say, I got a kick out of Elizabeth stuffing her face with strawberries. Also I have to admit I did love her gowns. She was very much like her character in the book. Pert and utterly conceited ...
Anne, Charles (Mary's husband), and Mary |
Mary was hilarious! Mrs. Bennet from Pride and Prejudice? All right she was not exactly like Mrs. B but all her snorts, and sniffs, and moans where great. Thumbs up on her peoples.
Charles was about as silly as his wife ... all right a little bit more serious. He lives to torment her though, I think. I laughed several times at him shooting his gun off wherever and at whomever he wanted. He kind of reminded me of a little kid. :)
William Elliot ... the jerk!! |
All right guys, this guys seriously reminds me of Joel Osteen. Don't know who I'm taking about? Click this
Anyway, as soon as my mom saw him stalk into the parlour of the Elliot's house she was laughing until she was red, and she was convinced that it was him before he became a preacher.
Need I say anything else about him ... he was so vain, and silly, and completely weird sometimes.
As for any "inappropriate" scenes. None. Imagine that peoples? No bad scenes whatsoever. Very much why I liked this movie. There a only few things, however, I really did not like.
*spoiler* Say Anne's running thing she does at the end ... nothing like that in the book, I will have you know.
*end of spoiler*
And the kissing scenes are ... well ... they kissed in public in the first one. A little untrue for that time period. But they sure went around the cowshed about finally catching up with each other ...
*HUGE SPOILER* like eight years! :)
*end of HUGE spoiler*
But I do like
Persuasion very much. The scenery was outstanding, when they did not show Bath and the beach/rocks ... but those places where supposed to be that way.
My rating - five stars all the way!!
Thanks for reading.
Awwww! just had to post this. One of my very favourite
scenes EVER!
"Too bad Elliot had to bust it up..." ... my sisters line, not mine. :)